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Westmoor Primary School

Work Together, Play Together, Succeed Together


History Curriculum Overview

This document details how we organise the skills, knowledge and vocabulary that is taught in History across the school in each year group. 

Curriculum Intent
Through our History Curriculum, we aim for all pupils to gain an interest in and coherent knowledge and understanding of the chronology of local history, Britain and the wider world.    

This curriculum is rich, meaningful and stimulating and encourages all pupils to think and work like historians.  Pupils are required to make informed judgements based on research, exciting first-hand experiences and evidence gathering.  They will develop the ability to think critically and understand how the past impacts on their lives and the future.  The school curriculum is based upon the National Curriculum and provides the opportunity to study aspects of history which have made an impact on life in the local community and beyond.  

Curriculum Implementation

The school’s curriculum design and content have been designed to maximise pupil engagement, interest and participation. Teaching and learning in history provides pupils with the opportunity to take part in ‘hands-on’ activities where they find how historians discover what has happened in the past. The enquiry-based approach to the teaching and learning of history, provides pupils opportunities to discover, enquire, investigate, evaluate and draw conclusions. In order to develop their critical thinking skills, children are also expected to ask relevant questions about the potential causes and consequences of events and consider the reliability of evidence.  

As children progress through the curriculum, they develop a chronological understanding of significant eras and events from the past. The curriculum develops and understanding of how life and society changed in Britain alongside developments in the wider world. Another key feature of our history curriculum is the in the importance of understanding how the past has influenced society and our lives today.  

Curriculum Impact

Pupil’s progress in history develops at first in individual units and then as they progress through the school in their ability to think as historians, forming informed opinions about the past, how the past links together chronologically and the impact of historical events and developments on life today. The assessment of history is based upon teacher judgements through tasks designed to elicit their understanding as well as through discussion and outcomes against learning objectives.  

The teaching of history is monitored and evaluated by the history subject leaders through book scrutinies, drop-ins and learning walks as well as discussions with pupils and teachers.  


Relevant Documents

Here are some documents which are relevant to History at Westmoor. 

Recommended websites

Below are some websites that your child may find enjoyable and help to develop their understanding of History. 
