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Westmoor Primary School

Work Together, Play Together, Succeed Together


 to Reception🌈


Class RH

Class Teacher - Mrs Hardy

ETA - Miss Chesworth 


Class RC

Class Teacher - Mrs Charlesworth

ETA - Miss Sykes


ETA across both classes -Mrs Hussain



⭐️Important Information⭐️


⭐️ Reception's PE day is Wednesday, children need to bring their PE kits in labelled bags with all kit labelled with their names. Hair must be up and all jewellery off on this day.

PE Kit consists of :

white t-shirt ,dark blue or black leggings or joggers and shorts, dark blue or black jumper and trainers.

⭐️Please label ALL of your child's clothing to avoid items being misplaced.


⭐️Please can your child bring their own water bottle to school to keep in class.


⭐️We have a snack area and snack time so your child will not need to bring their own snack to school.


⭐️ School uniform consists of  a white polo , black leggings or trousers or blue/grey school dress and school blue jumper or cardigan and black plain shoes. 


⭐️Class RH - please pick your child up by waiting outside of the shared area door.

⭐️Class RC - please pick your child up outside the RC fire exit door in the classroom (opposite the MUGA).


⭐️Please bring your child's book bag every Monday and  Thursday to change your child's library book and phonics book.


⭐️We learn outdoors rain or shine, therefore please bring a coat and spare change of clothes in a bag to keep on your child's peg. 

Spring 2 

Ready Steady Grow!

Find out what we are doing this half term here on our Spring  2 Parent Overview. 

Spring 1 


Find out what we are doing this half term here on our Spring 1 Parent Overview. 

Here is some of the exciting learning we have done in Spring 1

Autumn 2 

What happens when we fall asleep?

Find out what we are did in Autumn 2 half term here on our Autumn 2 Overview

Here is some of the exciting learning we have done in Autumn 2

Autumn 1

Autumn One Overview

Have a look at some of the fun learning we did it Autumn 1 Half term

If you have any questions at all, please speak to one of our friendly members of the Early Years Team who will be more than happy to help! ☺️



At Westmoor we follow a reading scheme called Rocket Phonics. It allows children to read online books matched to their phonic ability. All children in Reception have been given a login and should be accessing the website regularly. In addition to the online books, children will also receive a phonics book and library book each week.



White Rose Maths 

At Westmoor we follow a maths scheme called White Rose Maths. All children throughout school follow this scheme from Reception to Year 6. 

Friday 10th January 2025 Online Learning 


S, A, T, P, I, N Initial Sounds | Phase 2 Phonics
Watch the below video and see if your child can say the sounds and think of any other things that begin with each letter.
This video is great for helping students to recognise words and objects that begin with sounds 's', 'a', 't', 'p', 'i' and 'n'.

Phonics worksheet

English Activity 


Can you go on a Winter Scavenger Hunt and find  the things on the list or is there any other signs of Winter you have seen? Why don't you take some pictures you can share when we return of the signs of Winters you have found! smiley

Maths Activity 

Watch the video then play the Winter I Spy game and count the different items then if you want an extra challenge see if you can do the second activity of adding the items. 

Numberblocks- Count to Ten | Learn to Count

As seen on CBeebies! Watch Numberblocks count to 10.

Maths Worksheets
