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Westmoor Primary School

Work Together, Play Together, Succeed Together

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

Class 6B

Miss Blake with Miss Walmsley

Class 6IP

Mrs Ibrahim and Mr Prince with Miss Heggie

Class 6P

Mr Plumbly with Miss Bradbrook




Thursday - PE Kit. This half-term we are focusing on Fitness, Basketball and Gymnastics. Please bring kit suitable for ALL weather.


Friday - Spelling Test & Homework - Please ensure you have learnt the spellings. We will be giving out homework on this day, these tasks will help build on what we have done in class.

This half-term we are learning about:

Friday 10th January - Online Learning

Comparing Fractions for Kids | Easy Math Lessons

Grab the worksheet here: Hey kids! Are you learning about fractions in math class? Comparing fractions can be tricky, but we're here to help! Find the worksheets that go along with this video in the link below! This video will show you some easy and fun ways to compare fractions, including using a number line.

Ordering Fraction With Different Denominators

In this video lesson we will learn about ordering fractions with different numerators. Our first step is to make all the denominators the same. We do this by finding common multiples between the existing denominators. When we find a number which is a multiple of all of them we will then use this as our new denominators.
