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Westmoor Primary School

Work Together, Play Together, Succeed Together


An Environment for Reading


At Westmoor we strive to provide children with a stimulating reading environment where a wide variety of reading materials are available, and which are presented in an attractive and inviting way. All Early Years and Key Stage 1 classrooms have an engaging and comfortable book corner and Key Stage 2 classrooms have a selection of books linked to the curriculum areas and the current English units being taught. The books available are carefully chosen to promote a love of reading and to expand children’s reading in wider areas of the curriculum. The quantity of books is limited to allow easy access and books are rotated every half term to promote interest.


Teaching Reading


Early reading is taught through a systematic approach to phonics using the Rocket Phonics scheme (See Phonics Policy). Children are taught phonics as soon as they start full time and continue moving through the phases until they have completed Phase 6 in Year 2. Children are grouped based on teachers ongoing daily assessments and half termly phonic assessments. They have opportunities to apply their blending and decoding skills and develop their early comprehension skills through individual reading, small group reading and whole class guided sessions.


The teaching of reading is integrated into our English lessons whereby extracts from texts that are based on the current writing genre are displayed for children to read and explore. Children have opportunities to look at the organisational and grammatical features, pick out key vocabulary and kinds of language which the author has used. Children read out loud and have opportunities to respond to what they have read and delve further into texts through regular reading and comprehension activities across the week. In addition to written texts, children are also exposed to video clips and other stimulus to develop their language and understanding of different genres.


Children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 take home phonic books matched to their phonic ability to enable parents to support their child’s reading at home. In Key Stage 2, children continue to take home books from the library and choose banded books to read in class time or at home. For those children who may be struggling with decoding, fluency or comprehension, reading interventions are put in place.


Reading Across a Week


  • Daily taught reading as part of English lessons
  • Daily ERIC time from Year 1 to Year 6 where children read a book matched to their reading ability or self-chosen book from the library
  • Individual reading for children in Reception and Year 1 matched to reading ability and where required across other year group at least once a week
  • Targeted individual reading for children identified as needing extra support based upon ongoing teacher assessments
  • Targeted group reading for identified groups including Greater Depth children
  • Daily curriculum reading at the start of lessons from Reception to Year 6
  • Reading and response sessions linked to the English units for Years 2-6
  • Reading interventions in place to support those who are struggling with decoding or understanding


Reading for Pleasure Opportunities


Alongside the reading that is taught as part of the English curriculum there are many opportunities for children to hear adults read, select books that they enjoy and take part in special reading themed events.


Class Reads

  • Each class has a story time every day during which time an adult reads to the whole class
  • ‘Recommended books lists are available for each year group to ensure that all children are being exposed to an agreed standard and variation of literature


  • We have a well-stocked library which all children have access to throughout the week; each class has a fortnightly timetabled session in the afternoon, but mornings and breaktimes are free for any child to access the library to change their book
  • All children are encouraged to take home a library book at least once a week
  • The library is open every lunch time for children to access in their free time


Reading Eggs

  • Reception – Year 2 have access to ‘Reading Eggs’ which an online reading resource which children can access in school and at home. Children can read a text, answer questions and play games relating to the text
  • Children who are struggling readers in Year 3 are also given access to Reading Eggs



  • Events are organised throughout the year to promote a love of reading; World Nursery Rhyme Week for EYFS, World Book Day for the whole school.

How can parents help?
