Year 4
Friday 10th Jan - Homework
English - Listen to the story of 'The Sword in the Stone' on the link below, then create your own comic/storyboard of the main 6 points of the story.
Maths - Complete the 2 activities set on MyMaths. If you can't access this, can you find the factor pairs for 16, 32, 64 and 132?
What do they have in common?
Afternoon - Create your own poster about staying safe when using the internet.
There will be prizes for the best work brought into school on Monday.
Meet the Year 4 Team
Class 4L - Mr Lawson and Miss Milnes
Class 4W - Mr Williamson, Mrs Rafique (am) and Mrs Yaseen
(Mon-Weds am, Tues PM)
Important Reminders
Monday - P.E Day. Children should come to school in uniform as normal, before changing into P.E kit in school at the start of the session. Please ensure their P.E kit matches that stated below and is suitable for the weather. This half-term children will be doing gymnastics and tag rugby.
Library - 4W will visit our school library on alternate Tuesdays, with 4L visiting on alternate Wednesdays. Children can bring their numbered home reading book to change at any time and staff will endeavour to change this on the day.
Friday - Spelling Test and Homework. Children will be tested on the spellings sent home the previous week. Alongside sending these home, children will be taught these within the week's English lessons.
PE kit consist of:
- A white t-shirt or polo shirt (This MUST be different to the child’s school t-shirt).
- Plain black shorts/leggings/jogging bottoms
- Plain blue jumpers or hoodies are acceptable if weather is cold.
- Indoor shoes/pumps (for indoor activities). Outdoor trainers (must not be school shoes).
General Points about PE:
- All long hair must be tied up.
- Earrings and watches must be removed.
- Children must bring a doctor’s note if they are unable to participate in PE.