Religious Education Curriculum Overview
This document details how we organise the skills, knowledge and vocabulary that is taught in RE across the school in each year group.
Curriculum Intent
At Westmoor Primary School, we offer a comprehensive RE curriculum in line with the Agreed Kirklees, Calderdale and Leeds syllabus, Believing and Belonging (2019-2024). This has been aligned with the national RE curriculum and it adapts non-statutory guidance with direct responses of local needs and experiences. It forms 2 key elements of the subject; investigating the beliefs and practices of religions and other world views, and diving into belonging and identity. We give our pupils the opportunity to explore similarities and differences in our multicultural world and aim to nurture their awareness of the treasury of diversity respectfully. We provide pupils with the knowledge and skills to flourish both within their own community and as members of a diverse global society.
Curriculum Implementation
Our RE curriculum encourages pupils at Westmoor to become thought provoking and develop their breadth of knowledge and understanding of religion. Links to other areas of our curriculum are used and encouraged for children to develop deeper understanding. From Early Years through to Year 6, their knowledge is built in a variety of thought-provoking and engaging ways. In EYFS, the pupils are immersed into real life experiences and are taught through links to religious festivals which begins to lay the foundations. In KS1, a 2-year cycle is followed. It dives into how religions care for others, the celebrations of key events and what they look like. In KS2, children will study Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism and other world views. We build on the ability to:
- Investigate the beliefs and practices of religions and other world views.
- Investigate how religions and other world views address questions of meaning, purpose and value.
- Investigate how religions and other world views influence morality, identity and diversity
RE will help pupils to gain increasing understanding and empathy of our wide and diverse communities, as well as developing religious literacy, thinking skills and ethical judgments.
Curriculum Impact
At Westmoor, we collectively plan, resource, monitor and assess the teaching and learning of RE in a variety of ways. Child observations are a key indicator at EYFS to gage children’s thinking, questioning and understanding and role play significantly supports their ability to do so. As the pupils progress through school, we continue the role play aspect as well as incorporating written thinking and investigations. Written work is marked in accordance with our marking policy and monitored by the RE coordinator to track progress across year groups. Pupils are too given the opportunity to reflect on RE and are invited to reflect on what they have learnt and how they can use this to be respectful and understanding of all. Practical objects and role play are pictured and evidenced to really divulge into the lives of others.
Relevant Documents
Here are some documents which are relevant to RE at Westmoor.
Relevant Documents
Here are some documents which are relevant to RE at Westmoor.